Water Melon

Watermelon is a vine-like flowering plant originating in West Africa.

The fruit is green on the outside with a juicy red interior. Watermelon contains 92% water and is replete with nutrients, being rich in potassium and vitamins C, A, and B.

I bet you can’t resist the burst of refreshment a serving of cold watermelon offers on a dry sunny day.

Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) may be a soft, long-season crop and member of the Cucurbitaceae family, which also include squash, pumpkin, cucumber, muskmelon and gourd. 

Health benefits: Why is watermelon good for you?

Watermelon has a lot of health benefits that result in its high demand in the market. 

However, this article contains only 5 of the reason people should take watermelons daily.

You can include some of these health benefits in your marketing materials to convince consumers to only eat watermelons.

 1. Watermelon helps to lower inflammation and oxidative Stress

A more interesting fact that makes watermelon necessary in our daily diet is the presence of lycopene. 

Lycopene is the carotenoid phytonutrient that gives the red colouring found in fruits like red carrot, red tomato as well as watermelons.

A lot of research shows that the antioxidant properties of lycopene are beneficial for reducing the risk of stroke and it also lowers the blood pressure levels.

Imbalances in antioxidants cause oxidative stress and this is inevitable in humans. 

This oxidative stress leads to inflammation which is a key driver of many chronic diseases.

Eating watermelons may help lower inflammation and oxidative damage, as it’s rich in the anti-inflammatory antioxidants lycopene and vitamin C.

2. Eating watermelon keeps you hydrated and full

Ever wondered why watermelon is called watermelon? 

That’s because watermelon contains a whopping 92% of water, making it one of the best sources of hydration in a raging sunny day. 

Drinking water is important to keep your body hydrated and watermelon has high water content. 

This makes the fruit hydrating and helps you feel full.

3. Watermelon helps to lower blood pressure

Besides lycopene, watermelons also contain an amino acid called citrulline.

The kidney and other body systems convert this citrulline into arginine which greatly improves blood flow in the body.

In addition, the citrulline provides some cardiovascular health benefits by increasing the nitric oxide levels in the body.

Nitric oxide is a vasodilator that relaxes and dilates blood vessels in your body.

Dilating the blood vessels means that nitric oxide makes the vessels larger, therefore more blood can pass freely.

If blood does not flow freely in the body, it leads to clogging of the blood vessels.

When this happens, there is an increase in blood pressure resulting in the risk of heart attacks and stroke.

So, eating watermelon healths to prevent all of these experiments in your body system.

4. Skin and Hair Benefits

Watermelons contain Vitamins A and C, two vitamins that are very beneficial for your hair and skin. 

Vitamin A is important for healthy skin because it helps create and repair skin cells. 

When your body lacks enough vitamin A, your skin can look dry and flaky.

Vitamin C, on the other hand, helps your body make collagen, a protein that keeps your skin smooth and your hair strong.

It’s also an important natural antioxidant for anti-ageing benefits.